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Key Responsibilities of a Legal Nurse Consultant


The healthcare industry has a complex system in place with strict regulations. Hence, most attorneys will not have sufficient knowledge about medical protocols when they handle cases like malpractice lawsuits. This is where a legal nurse consultant in Georgia comes in. They utilize their experience and knowledge to help attorneys better understand protocols and regulations in healthcare.

As a reputable provider of consulting services in Columbus, Georgia, we will discuss the key responsibilities of a legal nurse consultant:

  • Identify patient needs.
    A legal nurse consultant can determine how a patient should have been cared for. They can also determine whether the patient received the appropriate care. The LNC can also analyze the care that the patient received to determine whether it was appropriate for their particular health needs and situation.
  • Prepare the necessary documentation.
    Aside from working with a staffing agency, LNCs can also prepare the relevant documentation relating to medical care, such as the patient’s timeline of care. Nurse consultants can review what medical evidence there is on hand and what it signifies, as well as prepare for court appearances and act as expert witnesses.
  • Perform additional research.
    Legal nurse consultants may attend medical examinations to gain more information about patient needs or the consequences of their care. They can also help the legal team determine the cost of care or the cost of damages relating to care.

ANESERVICES, INC. is a provider of consulting and anesthesia services in Georgia. As our healthcare consulting and staffing partner, we also employ legal nurse consultants to readily lend their expertise to lawyers seeking professional advice on the medical aspects of the litigation process. Contact us to inquire about our services.

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